[Quick Fix] Microsoft Teams Meeting Content Disappeared

2 min readDec 25, 2020


I’m going to show you today the fix I applied to address the problem of a user on a Microsoft teams meeting in a hybrid environment. The User A sent a meeting invite to User B as an example, and when user B opens the meeting, it’s all null and no specifics about the session.

Below the screenshot of a user A seeing:

Here is the screenshot of a user B which had no information:

  • The issue was also occurring in OWA. However, for the other users in an invite, the meeting content is all present.
  • This seems to happening for randomly and reported that it’s only with my meetings (user A) not with anyone else’s.
  • The user’s mailbox may be corrupted.
  • Move the user’s mailbox to a different database and see if the issue can be reproduced. I’ve tried and worked fine.

Use the new-moverequest “email address” command to start the database move.

Below the command to check the progress of a database movement.

Get-MoveRequest “emailaddress”

Depending on the mailbox size, give some time and then check how it goes.

Guess what?. The Microsoft teams meeting content disappeared is no longer occurring in ms teams app after a mailbox moved to a different database in office 365.

Also Read: How to schedule teams meeting from shared mailbox?

Want to improve your Microsoft 365 Teams experience for better productivity? Check out the tips and tricks mentioned here.



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